Le Fun French E-Easter Day Camp se passe à merveille !
Le Fun French E-Easter Day Camp a du succès ! C'est chouette, les enfants aiment mais les parents aussi !!
Rejoins nous vite pour le Fun French E-May and E-Summer Day Camp !
Bouge, Chante , Danse 100% french fun, c'est tes vacances en français avec Et Patati Patata ! On va s'amuser les enfants !!!!
When ?
Fun French E-May Day Camp : 26-29 May.
Fun French E-Summer Day Camp : 20-24 July, 27-31 July, 3-7 August.
Where ?
In face to face instant sharing.
Each Day, french lessons and french workshops ! #Frenchdrama #Frenchsinging #Frenchdessin #Frenchmusic
And two level :
Programme Teen + 10 ans: 10h-11h30-11h45-12h45.
1.30 hour per day of French lessons face to face instant sharing in small groups of 5
1hour of an activity in French: drama-Music-Singing-Journalism-Debating all in French.
Programme des petits 4-9 ans: 10h-11h-Break- 11h45-12h45.
1 hour per day of French lessons face to face instant sharing in small groups of 5
1 hour of an activity in French: drama-Music-Singing-art crafts in French
Book now!
+44 (0) 7966 893674