Experience the magic of Et Patati Patata from home, Ça bouge en ligne !
Join our E-Summer Fun French Day Camp online!
Staying at home ? Use this time to learn or boost your French and have fun!
Discover your passions at the Et Patati Patata workshops, and get motivated to keep exploring French ! On se réveiiille les enfants !!!
# A daily routine, full of fascinating French content: 2.30 minutes hours of French every day, over 4 consecutive days !
#Connect with new friends: the perfect balance between fun French activities and French classes and level. Tu vas adorer!
#Develop your French skills and be creative in a French workshop of your choice!
#Number 1 London’s French Day Camp and our enthusiastic native certified DBS French teachers will make every French day e Camp an opportunity to unleash your creativity and enjoy French.
"Merci d'avoir mis en place ces leçons à distance aujourd'hui", Julien.*****
"Un grand merci et bravo pour votre plateforme." Frederique.
"I was so excited to see that you have moved everything online! "
Bouge, Chante, Danse 100% French Fun, c’est les vacances en français avec Et Patati Patata online !

Every day from
July 20th-24th- week 1
July 27th-31st - week 2
August 3rd-7th – week 3
August 24th-28th week 4
September 31st-4th week 5
Two programmes to book !
Programme des petits 4-9 ans
10h-11h-Break- 11h45-12h45.
1 hour per day of French lessons face to face instant sharing in small groups of 5
1 hour of an activity in French: Drama-Music-Singing-Art crafts in French
40£/day or £150/week
Programme Teen + 10 ans
1.30 hour per day of French lessons face to face instant sharing in small groups of 5
1 hour of an activity in French: Drama-Sport- Journalism-Debating all in French.
45£/day or £150/week

Tes french ateliers!!****
*Spots are limited!
Il va y avoir du sport! 9h-9h45am tous les matins du sport en famille!
Contes et histoires. Chuut, écoute, imagine, on lit! Tous les matins 10h-10h45am
Chapeau l'artiste! Dans la famille Artistes je demande les enfants!
Ça danse! Bim, bam, Boum! Reveille-toi!
Retrouvez tous nos ateliers ici : Ça bouge en ligne!
The most amazing French native dbs teachers are here for you.
We are proud of being able to hire the most amazing French teachers ! Passionate for creativity and children’s, in our Saturday French school now they are dedicating themselves to the growth and development of your child from home.
We give each and every child the attention they need for a meaningful French touch experience.
Register now E-Summer day camp 2020!
July 20th-24th- week 1
July 27th-31st - week 2
August 3rd-7th – week 3
August 24th-28th week 4
September 31st-4th week 5
* Spots are limited!
100% in French! Set your kid on the fast track to becoming bilingual! caroline@etpatatipatata.com
+44 (0) 7966 893674