Number One London French Day Camps, 100% French Fun!
Et Patati Patata is number one London French Day Camp. Fulham 4 -14 year olds. 100% French Fun ! Fun French Day Camp toutes les vacances,...

Why learn french?
Why learn French? Mastering French is an asset to your child’s education because French is: · An international language spoken by more...
Being bilingual 'beats strokes'.
40% of people who speak multiple languages recover full mental functions compared to 20% who only speak one Edinburgh University study...

French courses for Adults! Learn french in 2016 with our intensive courses!
French courses for adults. Votre rêve? Parler français! Get started! Small groups. French Certified native experienced Teachers. ...

Et Patati Patata Flam, A new Saturday French School Fulham! All levels. L’objectif premier du dispositif d’appui financier aux associations FLAM est de permettre à des enfants...

10 good reasons for learning French!
1. A world language More than 220 million people speak French on the five continents. The OIF, an international organisation of...

7 Reasons You Should Teach Your Children To Speak French!
The New Republic's John McWhorter recently came out with an essay on why we should stop pretending French is an important language. The...